Loving Freely Confession

Introduction: This is a spiritual practices that I have been developing over the years that’s greatly helped me be to loved by the Heavenly Father, re-center myself upon who I am in Christ as I meditate upon the scriptures, allow the Holy Spirit to bring me back to the true self in Christ, and thus be able to love others freely. These principles are nothing new that the church hasn’t been practicing since Jesus commissioned us to go and make disciples, but this is my attempt at brining all of these together in one place. It places a key emphasis on what I’ve learned from the black church and theology that Christ is present amidst all of the chaos and struggles of life.

It is to be done in a span of fifteen minutes in silence with God and the scriptures. In 2020 I was in a terrible car accident and I had to go to traction for three months as my body healed. I got into a rhythm of going three times a week for those three months and sitting on the traction bed looking at the ceiling for fifteen minutes. Abba Father used that time to develop what this practice has become to become deeply aware of God’s presence, his love for me, and to name and confess what was happening in me internally.

There are days when I do this practice multiple times a day. This practice is best done after one has a knowledge of emotional health or has been to counseling and has begun the journey from the false self to the true self in Christ.

Movement 1: The Spirit of Christ is present in us.

Stillness and silence with God awakens me/reminds me of the power of Christ that is already inside of me. Galatians 2:20, “It is not I who live, but Christ that lives in me.” As I have sat in stillness and silence with God, it awakens me to the reality of Christ’s Spirit that is alive and active in me and this is my Island of Peace in Christ. Richard Foster says it like this; “Precisely because the Lord is present with us, we can relax and let go of everything, for in his presence nothing really matters, noting is of importance except attending to him. We allow inner distractions and frustrating to melt away before him as now before the son. We allow him to calm the storms that rage within by saying, “Peace, be still.” We allow his great silence to still our noisy hearts.”

  • Are you aware of the Holy Spirit in your life right now?

  • How is he making himself present with you?

Movement 2: The Spirit Guides us into all truth.

In John 16, as Jesus is leaving his disciples, he instructs them that the, “The Spirit will guide you into all truth.” This of course means the truth of who Jesus is and how God has revealed himself in the scriptures. I also believe it means that the Holy Spirit will guide us into the truth of what’s happening inside of us. James Borst says, “He is closer to my true self than I am myself.”

There have been many times as I have sat with God in the scriptures and in silence that I don’t know what’s happening inside of me, but I will ask the Holy Spirit to guide me into the truth of what’s going on inside of me and it’s been amazing what will come up. The reality is that God knows us better than we know ourselves as it says in Psalm 139, “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Movement 3: Meditating upon the Scripture is the guide.

What scripture are you meditating on today? All Scripture is God breathed and is useful and it is our guide as we name and confess all that’s going on inside of us. The intention behind this exercise is not to read scripture for knowledge, but for transformation. We in the West have been so guilty of memorizing and studying scripture, but not allowing the text to transform us.

Movement 4: Be aware of what’s happening inside of you.

What are you feeling right now as you practice stillness with God and yourself? In I John 1:9 it says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins.” The key idea is to name and agree with God what’s happening inside of you. What emotions can you name that’s not allowing you to be present?

Be reminded that God loves you even in the midst of our struggles. In fact, he probably loves us even more because of how frail and prone to sin we are. The problem becomes when we stop struggling and just give in. But then he still loves us and is constantly calling us back home because he is the loving father waiting at the top of the hill to welcome the younger son home. 

Movement 5: What’s triggering you today and what was your response?

David states in Psalm 25: 17, “Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish.” Our hearts are constantly being waged war against. The enemy is “like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (I Peter 5:8) The enemy manifests itself through triggers. A trigger is anything that, “roughs our feathers”. It can be something that someone says, a life experience that happened, something that didn’t quite work out, etc. Triggers are happening all around us at all times.

  • What was the trigger that knocked you off your island of peace in Christ?

  • Were you longing for approval or affirmation from someone?

  • Were you trying to be in control?

  • Were you looking for safety or security?

  • Were you longing to be separate and be my own god?

Movement 6: What are you protecting and what is the root issue (core lie)?

Do you not believe you’re not good enough? Do you feel shame? What are the voices rattling around in the back of your head?

Movement 7: Return home as God’s beloved.

Picture yourself as the younger child in Luke 15 walking over the last hill to the home you grew up in and the Father running to you welcoming you home.

****This is an exercise that incorporates the Bible, principles from Emotionally Health Spirituality, Pastor Sebastian Holley, The Sedona Method, Winn Summit Strategies, and my own journey with Jesus the Christ that’s manifested in the discipleship tool, Loving Freely.

****Special note: some of these practices are not rooted in the gospel, but it’s my intention to use their tools to bring them back to Christ and the need for salvation in Christ and Christ alone. I believe that all truth is God’s truth and can be used for God’s glory.